郭三栋,副教授,男,1984年,无党派人士,理论物理专业博士。2012年中科院物理所博士毕业后独立开展科研工作。2018.5-至今,西安邮电大学电子工程学院从事教学科研工作。2012.7-2018.5,中国矿业大学从事教学科研工作。2007.9-2012.6,中国科学院物理研究所硕博连读. 2003.9-2007.6,西安电子科技大学本科学习。
本人第一作者/通讯作者发表于PRB, APL, PRM, Frontiers of Physics, 2D Materials, JMCC, Nanoscale, PCCP, NJP, JCP, Nanotechnology, EPL, JPCM, JPD, JAP等SCI文章90余篇,被引用2600余次(Google),H-index 29,大于100次引用5篇。 担任Advanced Energy Materials, JMCA, Nanoscale, JMCC, JPCL,Frontiers of Physics,PCCP,ACS AMI, Materials Today Physics, NJP, APL,JPCM,JAP等40余种期刊审稿人。入选英国皇家化学会物理化学类期刊2019年“Top 1%高被引作者排行榜”。获得英国物理学会2021年“高被引文章奖”。2021-2023年连续全球前2%科学家——年度科学影响力排行榜,2023年进入世界前2万名。2022-2023年连续全球前2%科学家——学术生涯科学影响力排行榜。
1.Guo San-Dong*,Zhu Jing-Xin, Mu Wen-Qi and Liu Bang-Gui, Possible way to achieve anomalous valley Hall effect by piezoelectric effect in a GdCl2monolayer,Physical Review B104, 224428 (2021).
2.Guo San-Dong*,Zhu Jing-Xin, Yin Meng-Yuan and Liu Bang-Gui, Substantial electronic correlation effects on the electronic properties in a Janus FeClF monolayer,Physical Review B105, 104416 (2022).
3.Guo San-Dong*,Mu Wen-Qi, Wang Jia-Hao, Yang Yu-Xuan, Wang Bing and Ang Yee-Sin, Strain effects on the topological and valley properties of the Janus monolayer VSiGeN4,Physical Review B106, 064416 (2022).
4.Guo San-Dong*, Tao Yu-Ling, Guo Hao-Tian, Zhao Zhuo-Yan, Wang Bing, Wang Guang-Zhao and Wang Xiao-Tian, Possible electronic state quasi-half-valley metal in a VGe2P4monolayer,Physical Review B107, 054414 (2023).
5.Guo San-Dong*, Feng Xu-Kun, Huang Dong, Chen Shaobo, Wang Guangzhao and Ang Yee Sin, Intrinsic persistent spin texture in two-dimensional T-XY (X, Y=P, As, Sb, Bi; X≠Y),Physical Review B108, 075421 (2023).
6.Guo San-Dong*and Ang Yee Sin, Spontaneous spin splitting in electric potential difference antiferromagnetism,Physical Review B108, L180403 (2023).
7.Guo San-Dong*, Zhu Yu-Tong, Qin Ke and Ang Yee Sin,Large out-of-plane piezoelectric response in ferromagnetic monolayer NiClI,Applied Physics Letters120, 232403 (2022).
8.Guo San-Dong*,Guo Xiao-Shu, Zhu Yu-Tong and Ang Yee Sin, Predicted ferromagnetic monolayer CrSCl with large vertical piezoelectric response: A first-principles study,Applied Physics Letters121, 062403 (2022).
9.Guo San-Dong*, Wang Guangzhao and Ang Yee Sin, Possible way to achieve valley-polarized quantum anomalous Hall insulator,Applied Physics Letters123, 173102 (2023).
10.Guo San-Dong*, Guo Xiao-Shu Guo, Cheng Kai, Wang Ke and Ang Yee Sin, Piezoelectric altermagnetism and spin-valley polarization in Janus monolayer Cr2SO,Applied Physics Letters123, 082401 (2023)
11.Guo San-Dong*, Zhu Jing-Xin, Wang Guang-Zhao, Guo Hao-Tian, Wang Bing, Cheng Kai and Ang Yee Sin, Switching Rashba spin-splitting by reversing electric-field direction,Physical Review Materials7, 044604 (2023).
电子邮箱 Email:sandongyuwang@163.com